Memory My Time Machine
2013-Dock Gallery Carraick-on-Shannon
“I want memory to prepare itself for a life of action”
A site led performance duet with musician The Bluefood, set in the foyer and mezzanine space at the Dock Gallery in Carrick-on-Shannon as part of Generations curated by Fergus Byrne.
This large-scale, immersive, performance installation explored the state-of-recall as time-travel by layering extended vocals, physical action, electronic music and moving objects to create responsive, polyphonic electroacoustic sound worlds. This experimental, performance is a window into Regan’s practice in improvised vocalizing and immersive performance environments, paying particular attention to the relationship between motion, space and sound.
Here we considered water as a medium for memory.
During a long journey, time seems affected. Is it possible that time can be altered to facilitate new patterns of thought-in-motion? Taking the themes of exploration, emigration and travel in a response to the site, we explored the existing acoustic action of the space as a means of amplifying our improvised journey through internal and external states-of-song.
Photographer: Brian Creggan
Silent Witness: an excerpt from a Performance Installation called Memory My Time Machine created and performed by Regan O'Brien in response to the site at the Dock Gallery in Carraig on Shannon, Co. Leitrim, 2013 as part of Generations curated by Fergus Byrne. Paul Bloof is a key collaborator in this work.
"Is that what I look like from above?": an excerpt from a Performance Installation created and performed by Regan O'Brien in response to the site at the Dock Gallery in Carraig on Shannon, Co. Leitrim, 2013 as part of Generations curated by Fergus Byrne. Paul Bloof is a key collaborator in this work.
'Soft Water Rise'. An excerpt from a live performance at the Dock Gallery in Carraig on Shannon, Co. Leitrim as part of Generations curated by Fergus Byrne. Performance Installation created by Regan O'Brien, performed by Paul Bloof and Regan O'Brien.